Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Where can I get contact information for playdates and birthday parties?

  2. What is the Stevens Online Family Directory

  3. What is the SchoolMessenger and how do I sign up?

  4. What does Stevens use LINQ Connect for?

  5. Where can I find information on Stevens' Building Council?




Where can I get contact information for playdates and birthday parties?

What is the Stevens Online Family Directory?


The Stevens PTA manages an online school directory using the Membership Toolkit portal. This portal is extremely convenient - access it on your desktop computer or on your smartphone by downloading the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.


Current Stevens Families - if you have already registered your family in the Membership Toolkit system, you can log in at and access the full directory. Update and confirm your family's information by clicking on Your Account --> Step 1: Family Information.


New Stevens Families - if you are new to the Steven School, you can add your family to the directory by clicking HERE.


Please contact the PTA at if you have any questions on accessing your Membership Toolkit account.




What is the SchoolMessenger and how do I sign up?


SchoolMessenger is the new mass notification system used by the BHBL school district. It replaced the School News Notifier (SNN) in June of 2021. SchoolMessenger allows BH-BL to communicate with families via email and text messaging (for school closings/delays) and it also allows for texting other news/announcements/reminders and automated phone calls (also for closings, reminders, attendance and more).
SchoolMessenger is automatically populated with parents' contact information (email, cell phone, home phone) using data in eSchool, our student management system. However, with the texting feature, parents do need to opt-in to the service.
To opt-in, text the letter "Y" or the word "Yes" (without quotes) to 67587. You'll get a message back from that same short-code number telling you that you've opted in. Please note, this is a short-code that is used with many school districts so you might already be signed up to receive SMS texts from another school. Don't panic--you will still receive SMS texts from BH-BL and any other service you are signed up for using that short-code. Just pay attention to the heading when you get an SMS text. The BH-BL SMS texts will state that it's a message from BH-BL. 
If you do NOT want to receive notification/school closing or delay/announcement via text messages opt-out online at


What does Stevens use LINQ Connect for?


LINQ Connect is a food service management system for schools and allows families to manage their child(ren)'s school lunch program account. Families can deposit funds into their child(ren)’s accounts, review purchases, check balances and more. Reminders are also sent out when account balances are low. There is a mobile app so all of this can be accomplished on a mobile device. LINQ Connect was launched for BHBL in the 2022-2023 school year. Any balances you had on Titan School Solutions system will automatically transfer to LINQ Connect. 




Where can I find information on Stevens' Building Council?
What is the Building Council? 


Each BH-BL school has a Building Council whose goal is to help improve the quality of education for all students through a shared-decision making committee.


The committee is composed of teachers, administrators, staff and parents. There are six teacher members selected for Building Council in each school who are also members of one of the six district K-12 committees: language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, health and special services.


For more information and to see the parent representatives for this school year, click HERE.